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We are committed to reaching out to those in need. We are raising awareness of the dangers of synthetic drugs. We want our community to become a safer place.

We are in need of volunteers for our upcoming fundraisers. We can always use help with any of our efforts/activities. Contact us now to get involved!

We accept any amount of donations. Every little bit helps. You can use paypal or credit card from the donations page or send us a check or money order in the mail. We also accept cash.


In 2012, a local smoke shop committed an illegal act: they put synthetic drugs back on the shelves of their store after the announcement of their illegality.


Young Victor Woolson, age 19, bought the product and died the same day, due to a fatal reaction. His poor mother had to hear the news of her youngest child's tragic accident on the night of her birthday. While hospital machines kept his vitals going for several hours, his body could not fight off the damage caused by those unstable man-made chemicals.


We are here to spread the word about the dangers of these poisons. Synthetic drugs are far worse than street drugs on the market today. There have been tens of thousands of synthetic drug related calls to poison centers over the past few years alone. 


Synthetic drugs are 2nd on the most used drugs list by high school seniors - second to marijuana. They are killing people everywhere, all over our country. This problem is considered an epidemic.


We want to make our community a safer place. We also want to help out those in need. Furthermore, we want to provide education to the public about synthetic drugs, and to convey what they can do to help others.


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